Posts by: Shaheen Harith

Reinventing Yourself

Reinventing Yourself


With everything from your wardrobe to your workplace getting a facelift, there is little reason why you should not consider tweaking up your ‘self’ too. Imagine waking up one morning and being the person you always wanted to be and having the life you always wanted to have. A complete...

Leadership Styles

Different Styles Of Leadership


Charismatic leadership tends to defy good sense. You don’t blindly revere someone as a leader because he/she is suave, strong, witty or correct. It’s the way a leader implements authority on you, persuades you, leads you with his/her wisdom and expertise and delegates task so that he/she can bring out...

How to Get Respect

How To Get Respect


As a child, you were perhaps taught that respect is purely a give-and-take policy. However, to tell you the truth, respect is never given, it’s earned! It takes years to build respect, just like your reputation. Simply put, respect is admiration or esteem that follows as a result of a...

How To Use Forks and Spoons

How To Use Forks And Spoons


We all admire methodical eaters. And when it comes to using forks and spoons, the grace with which some people wipe the plate clean, has been a subject of much envy across the globe. Well, it’s really a simple deal if you follow certain basic rules which are easier to...

How To Write Letter To The Editor

How To Write Letter To An Editor


A letter to an editor provides the common man with a forum to share his/her ideas, opinions and views on events in a city or worldwide. Local or national issues can be discussed and deliberated upon by the common man in a magazine or a newspaper. This benefits not only...

Proper Table Setting Etiquette

Proper Table Setting Etiquette

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Embarrassed while dining with your seniors on a formal dinner table? Is it because you accidentally drank water from the glass of another guest? Was it because you didn’t know which side of the table had your glass? Well, this happens when you are not familiar with the table setting...

Party Invitation Etiquette

Party Invitation Etiquette


Party time without guests — highly improbable! An actual fun party starts only when the guests start pouring in. And guests pour in to a party only when they receive an invitation. The style of the invitation should very well reflect the purpose of the party. Not only that, the...

How To Decline An Invitation

How To Decline An Invitation


Have you ever kept your fingers crossed when waiting for your friend to declare the date of her dinner party? If so, then perhaps you know what happens when you are expected to be at two separate functions on one day. Declining an invitation can be so difficult at times...

How To Ask For Forgiveness

How To Ask For Forgiveness


Visualise this: ‘You get into a serious conflict with your friend; you say many mean things and walk away angrily. Later, you think over it day and night and realize that it was your fault and that your friend was indeed right. You know you are sorry for what you...

Cocktail Party Etiquette

Cocktail Party Etiquette


Received an invitation for a cocktail party from your friend? Well, it’s time to begin working out some facts that will leave a great impression on them. People love hosting cocktail parties as this is the best way to keep in touch with friends and families. They are high-profile events...


How To Be Politically Correct


Consider this dialogue: ‘You remember that person who’s walking down the lane?’ the other person replies, ’Oh, yes. He’s the one who gave those awful comments in his speech last week’. Well, being noted for what you deliver is quite obvious. So, it is always advised to be politically correct....