Stop Swearing


How To Stop Swearing — Tips To Stop Swearing

Just because you found John Travolta cussing in “Pulp Fiction” or Robert De Niro uttering obscenities in “Casino” extremely cool does not mean that you too follow suit. Swearing is a sick habit, not to say a huge turn off.  And no, it does not make you look attractive or sound ‘cool’ in anyway. In fact, it just shows amplifies your challenged communication skills.  A bad habit is generally inculcated from the people around. It could also be the upshot of environment you were brought up in, your parents or the result of your workplace culture. Realizing that swearing is not a healthy behavior is very important, as your vocabulary is nothing but a reflection of your upbringing.  Sure, swearing has its advantages. However, going overboard with your usage of swearwords will only make you come across as uncouth and vulgar. Well, there is no overnight cure for cursing. Old habits die hard! So if you don’t want your daughters first words to be from a different dictionary or if you don’t want to be considered to be from amongst the coarse people, then go ahead and take a note of these tips in how to stop swearing.  It will surely help you to ease out on this habit and get rid of the crude vocabulary from your lexicon.

Tips On Stopping Swearing
Identifying It To Be Uncouth Behavior
The first step to stopping swearing is realizing that swearing is bad and unhealthy and is the influence of negative energies in your life. It may be an abusive childhood or overtly aggressive people around.  Many people deem swearing to be natural. Actually, it is uncouth behavior and should not be tolerated by anyone under any circumstance. And once you have understood that this is something you need to lose, it’s a major milestone covered.

Pay Attention And Commit To Yourself
Committing to yourself that you will not swear again is an important oath you should have with yourself. Yes, it does require efforts and feedback from the people around, but you should realize the importance of this commitment. Do not give yourself umpteen amounts of liberty to move back and forth. Such should be the power of the commitment!

Identify The Triggers
There are certain situations and people that trigger the use of swear words. Long queues, traffic jams, weather and mainly other people behavior. Developing a sense of control when in such situations is necessary. If possible, the triggers should be avoided. The triggers might also include R rated and uncensored movies, music with explicit lyrics, and friends who speak in a lower class manner. Changing the channel when one such movie is on, deleting music with such crass lyrics, and staying away from foul-mouthed people are a few sacrifices that will take you places.

Divert The Anger And Frustration
Anger and frustration are the main reasons why we swear. The pileup of emotion is released in the form of negative words. Finding ways to divert the anger by using stress balls or taking deep breaths can really help. Yoga and meditation are good ways to keep the cool, and tackle any situation in a calmer and clever manner.

Widen Your Vocabulary
You do not always have to use “^$%^” or “@#%#” to indulge into a spiteful conversation.  You can widen your vocabulary and find a vast number of decent and much more expressive words to express your emotions. This will not only reflect your vocabulary skills, but also mirror your ability of engaging in conflict in a civilized manner. When you feel that you are about to swear at a particular point of time, resorting to the words and phrases you have worked on can really help. Substituting swear words that you are so hooked onto with other words is a good resort too. For instance “O fish” instead of “O f***” is good for starters.

Get Support From Friends And Family
Have a few members of your family or friends to support you through this phase. Importantly, go for the ones that are nonjudgmental of your ways. Someone to remind you or point at you when you use the wrong words is what you want. Lengthy lectures and a grim face is something you would not want to face — then stopping to swear might not alleviate but instead might reach new standards. So appoint the right people to care of the habit you find difficult to avoid.

Punishing Yourself
Once you have committed to yourself to achieving the goal, then commitment to punishment when you falter also makes sense. Punish yourself with a penalty when you go wrong. For every swear word you utter, donate a penny to the jar.  It can be a trade off with a friend where you have to hand over the jar by the month or use it for a weekend plan. Now you don’t want your swear money to freely sponsor the plans, do you? That makes a good punishment indeed. In addition, nothing can be harsher than abstaining yourself from your favorite song, candy or anything that you relish.

Rewarding Yourself
If you have gone the extra mile to punish yourself, then rewarding yourself for being good should be considered too. Treat yourself to some shopping, or what you have been abstaining from if you meet the deadlines of a day, week or a fortnight of staying away from the swear words.

So use these tips to assist in using language more appropriately. Do not let these swear words be the first you learn when you learn a new language and do not let them be last resort either in a conversation. Along with making yourself look stupid, relying on expletives to express yourself won’t do you much good. So take the necessary steps to effectively get rid of this habit and be the person who mirrors good reputation.